Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So, here I am. Alive, in a different country/continent/HEMISPHERE. I'm going to start from the start though, so... here goes =)

N.B. Just so you know, this is pretty much a copy of my Travel Diary.

4/12/10 - plane to Auckland

Well, we got off to a fantastic start in Dunedin - we were the last to board our plane... the VERY last. The guy at the gate started yelling at us. Also, I swear the head steward on this flight is gay. He sounds EXACTLY like Mr Shields.
Of course, today is the nicest, sunniest day of the year, which makes the fact that I'm leaving NZ for 2 months just that little bit more depressing. I don't think it's quite sunk in yet, to be honest.
I'm getting really excited for the plane ride to Japan though. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN. Hopefully =P
So far, I've managed to pilfer about 8 sick bags for my letters. I need 21. This could prove difficult, but I'm sure I'll manage!

Later - Auckland Airport

So, I still love Auckland. Especially the airport. We ate Macca's for dinner (fantastic last supper, I know) and as we were sitting down to eat, this guy from our Christchurch to Auckland flight came over to talk to us. His name is Kale (apparently, he's named after a 'really nutritious' sea vegetable). He's from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and he makes videos. Apparently he's quite good at it too...
I discovered the pitfall of having a 9.4kg cabin bag - wearing it over my shoulder and round the front, like Mum told me to, is that I end up walking with a pregnancy waddle. Not really a good look, but oh well =P I almost got pulled up for being overweight (the cabin bag, not me), but I pulled the "I have diabetes, and therefore a heap of medical crap, you wanna see my doctor's note?" card.
Then Chelsea and I went to try perfumes! New favourite = Princess by Vera Wang. Om nom nom. We saw Misaki as well, and I promised to go sit on her knee during the flight to Osaka =)

3.00am (NZT) plane to Japan!

I'm about to go to sleep, but first

1. I ate dinner, on a plane, at1am. No kidding.

2. Hardest thing I have ever done: changed my pants in an airplane toilet.

3. Scariest thing ever: the flush in the airplane toilet.

5. It just happens to be -40 degrees outside. No biggie.

5/12/10 - Train to Shin-Osaka

Osaka is very strange. As we were pulling away from the airport station, we could see all these really tall buildings across the water (the airport is kind of like an island...). When we got across the bridge to the 'mainland', suddenly we could see the big buildings (they're bigger up close) but in between them are little traditional houses, all squeezed in like sardines. Then, in the middle of all the office and apartment buildings, and the houses and the cars and the streets, right beside the train tracks, are rice paddy fields. Seriously. It's kind of bizarre.

Rika's house

Masumi took me to a nearby department store today to buy a lunchbox, and chopsticks, and a cloth thing to wrap and tie around everything. I thought it was a mall, but it's a department store. However, it's bigger than all three of Dunedin's malls put together =P
We went into the supermarket as well, and it was so BUSY I explained to Masumi that on Sundays in New Zealand, I work in a supermarket, but it is NEVER as busy as what it was today! I asked her if the mall was busy, and she said yes, because it's a Sunday. Almost the opposite to New Zealand, but oh well.
It amazes me how... obedient the shopkeeperes are! Masumi strutted in, and suddenly there was one following us around. As soon as anything was said, or even suggested, they'd jump to and bring it. It 's like they were 2 steps ahead!
Another thing Chelsea and I noticed on the shinkansen (after we had to move seats, coz we'd been put on the wrong carriage) was how similar the coutry side in NZ and Japan is. The architecture, of course, is COMPLETELY different, but at one point, I could have sworn we were driving through Central Otago!

Right. I'm going to bed now, but I'll update about the last few days tomorrow. Then, hopefully, I can try and post something every couple of days, for you reading enjoyment!

Anna x

P.S. I apologise for any spelling/grammar errors. I'm starting to write English similar to how I translate Japanese. Some things may read a little strange =)

1 comment:

  1. Anna! I just remembered this blog, hahah. If you go on facebooo anytime soon, message me your address in Japan :)
